Careers OfficeCareer GuideCV & Cover Letter › Action verbs

Action verbs

Positive action verbs should be used throughout your CV and cover letters to promote your achievements. They help make a strong impression. Here is a list of powerful action words.

Accomplish Control Familiarize Monitor Represent
Achieve Cooperate Formulate Motivate Research
Act Coordinate Generate Negotiate Resolve
Adapt Correct Govern Obtain Review
Administer Counsel Guide Operate Revise
Advertise Delegate Handle Order Scan
Advise Demonstrate Hire Originate Schedule
Analyze Design Identify Oversee Screen
Apply Detail Implement Perceive Select
Approach Determine Improve Perform Serve
Approve Develop Increase Persuade Solve
Arrange Devise Index Plan Speak
Assemble Direct Innovate Present Staff
Assess Distribute Inspect Preside Stimulate
Assign Draft Install Process Summarize
Assist Edit Institute Produce Supervise
Attain Employ Instruct Program Support
Budget Encourage Integrate Promote Survey
Calculate Enlarge Interpret Publish Synthesize
Catalogue Enlist Interview Qualify Systematize
Chair Establish Introduce Raise  
Clarify Estimate Invent Recommend  
Collaborate Evaluate Investigate Reconcile  
Communicate Examine Lead Recruit  
Compare Exchange Maintain Rectify  
Compile Execute Manage Reduce  
Complete Exhibit Market Relate  
Conceive Expand Mediate Renew  
Conduct Expedite Moderate Reorganize  
Contract Facilitate Modify Report