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Online job search mistakes

  1. Posting your CV without worrying about privacy.
    Protect your identity and your existing job, if you are employed, by limiting access to your contact information (name, address, and phone number).
  2. Using only the “well-known” Web job sites.
    Many of the "big names" are great sites, but they can also be expensive for employers to use and not attractive to some specialised groups of job seekers.

  3. Posting your CV at hundreds of job sites
    By posting your CV to hundreds of recruiters and employers you won't be able to customize it for a specific employer. This strategy reduces your chances of being called and do not allow you to follow up with a phone call or an e-mail to establish contact and move your application forward in the process.
  4. Limiting your job search efforts to the Internet only
    Use the Internet as a part of your job search. Do not focus all of your attention online.

  5. Applying for jobs without meeting the minimum qualifications.
    Do not apply for a job if you don't really qualify for the job, just in case they might see something in your CV that interests them.
  6. Depending on e-mail as your only method of contact.
    Most employers have "spam filter" software screening e-mail before it reaches recipients. Always follow-up your e-mail message with a phone call.

  7. Not customizing your CV and Covering Letter to the potential employer.
    When contacting the potential employer, customise your CV and cover letter based on your research to stand out of the crowd.
  8. Using informal e-mail address.
    You can sabotage yourself by sending business e-mail using a weird e-mail address (e.g. "fairlady" or "spiderman"). Those informal addresses undermine your credibility and almost guarantee a message will be deleted or ignored by a recruiter or employer who doesn't know you. Be very careful of the content of your messages.

  9. Expecting someone else to do the work (the job sites, a recruiter, etc.).
    A job hunt is a do-it-yourself project! No one is as invested in your future as you are, and no one else knows what you want like you do.
  10. Not following up
    When you have identified a position that you want and submitted an online application, follow up! Contact the employer or recruiter directly yourself, via telephone as well as regular mail and e-mail.