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Tips for efficient job hunting

Finding a job is a job in itself. Searching for a new job is hard work. The key to job search success is to treat the entire process like a business. In order to stand out from the crowd, it is important to follow an effective strategy. You may start your search with making some helpful steps. 

Know Yourself

Begin your job search by exploring your interests, skills, accomplishments, experience, goals, and values. Make a detailed list. The key to a successful job search is to recognise what makes you a unique candidate and to communicate this effectively to a prospective employer.

Have a Clear Target

You must decide what type of opportunities you want to focus on - you should be able to describe your target position by title, function, industry and location.

Have a specific job goal.

Take time to research the jobs you are qualified for and carefully document your qualifications (previous work experience, education, certifications, skills) you have that meet or exceed what each job requires. Once you have identified your job goal, develop a strategic plan to achieve it.

Be proactive

Do not wait around for opportunity to come knocking on your door. While cold calling potential employers can be intimidating, it remains a powerful strategy.

Do some research

Do some research on the company and position you are applying for. Many job openings exist only in the minds of directors, vice presidents long before the job is finally advertised to the public. If you can present yourself as the perfect candidate at this early stage, an employer may hire you without looking elsewhere.

Work on your network

Talk to people you know (your network) to obtain job leads and gather insider information. Inform your friends, colleagues and even relatives that you are actively looking for a job, and ask them to keep their eyes and ears open for any opportunities.

Be flexible: Do not reject part-time jobs, Internships, summer jobs

Do not reject part-time jobs, Internships, summer jobs. Temporary jobs are a great way to learn skills, gain experience, and earn money while looking for a permanent position. They are also a way to prove your worth and be first in line when a full-time position opens up.

Prepare Job Search Materials

Once your job goals have been targeted, CV and application letters can be tailored to reflect your qualifications as they relate to the interests of prospective employers. Make it obvious why you're the perfect candidate for the job.

Enhance Your Online Visibility

Employers and recruiters are going to "Google" you long before they contact you for an interview. Not having an online presence (or even having a poor presence) can hurt your job search

Keep careful records

Keeping track of the progress of your job search is important. No matter what job search strategies you choose, follow-up and record keeping are important for success. Maintain a detailed record of all the jobs you have applied to, including communications, interviews, referrals, and follow-up actions. This will help you build a network of valuable contacts both for your current job search and for any future ones.

Be Persistent

Job searching is difficult and there are times when you will be discouraged. It is never easy and it's even harder when the job market is difficult. Just keep in mind that everyone has been in the same position at one point. Try to keep a positive attitude, and view your job hunt as an exciting challenge.