Related Events

Wednesday, October 24th 2012

Social Entrepreneurship: Social cooperative enterprises

The Liaison Office of the Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki (Α. Θεσσαλονίκης), which is a project of the Operational Programme <<Education and Lifelong Learning>> and implemented within the framework of the NSRF 2007-2013, co-financed by the European Social Fund and the national resources and operates under the supervision of the Employment and Career structure (ΔΑΣΤΑ) is organizing an event on Wednesday, October 24, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. entitled: "Social Entrepreneurship: Social Cooperative Enterprises" in the New Auditorium of S.E.Y.P. in A.T.E.I. -Thessaloniki.

The participation in the event is free.

At the end you will be given a Certificate of Attendance.

Tuesday, October 16th 2012

14th Annual Conference of the Greek ICT Forum

The Greek ICT Forum, the Institutionally acknowledged Organization in the fields of Informatics and Digital Infrastructural Communications, ahead on crucial conjunctures in the course of the ICT sector in Greece, is organizing on Tuesday, October 16th at the Auditorium of the Benaki Museum (138 Pireos and Andronikou, Athens) the 14th annual conference call with all the political, institutional, business and stem ICT industry players. The basic theme is: Business and State Confronting Technological Challenges.

More information (in Greek)

October 16th, 2012

Open Coffee Thessaloniki XXXVI

The 3rd Tuesday of October is at 16th. Day of meeting of the group of the Open Coffee Thessaloniki for the 36th time. In the auditorium of the New City Hall of Thessaloniki we gather at 19:30 to meet new people and to welcome three speakers in the casual style of the institution.

(There is of course the possibility to come by 18:15 if you are interested in the topic of the "workshop" SetUp Your StartUp.)

The invitation is open!

More information (in Greek)

Δευτέρα 15 Οκτωβρίου 2012

Ψηφιακή Καινοτομία και Νέα Επιχειρηματικότητα

Η Μονάδα Καινοτομίας και Επιχειρηματικότητας του Πανεπιστημίου Στερεάς Ελλάδας, που συγχρηματοδοτείται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση και Εθνικούς Πόρους, οργανώνει ειδική ενημερωτική εκδήλωση στις 15 Οκτωβρίου 2012 με θέμα «Ψηφιακή Καινοτομία και Νέα Επιχειρηματικότητα, Κρίσιμοι Παράγοντες Επιτυχίας Και Βέλτιστες Πρακτικές στο σύγχρονο ηλεκτρονικό επιχειρείν».

Σκοπός της ειδικής αυτής εκδήλωσης είναι να ενημερώσει προπτυχιακούς και μεταπτυχιακούς φοιτητές, νέους και νέες επιχειρηματίες για:

  • Καινοτόμες ευκαιρίες από τα νέα ψηφιακά κανάλια προώθησης και συναλλαγών
  • Κρίσιμους παράγοντες επιτυχίας στο στήσιμο και διαχείριση νέας επιχειρηματικής δραστηριότητας
  • Συμμετοχή στον 5ο φοιτητικό διαγωνισμό ennovation 2012 και υποστήριξη που παρέχεται στις ομάδες που διακρίνονται.

Πότε: Στις 15 Οκτωβρίου 2012, 17:30μ.μ
Που: Αμφιθέατρο, Παπασιοπούλου 2-4, Λαμία

Πρόγραμμα Εκδήλωσης

12-14 October 2012

Volos Startup Weekend

Whether entrepreneurs found companies, find a cofounder, meet someone new, or learn a skill far outside their usual 9-to-5, everyone is guaranteed to leave the event better prepared to navigate the chaotic but fun world of startups. If you want to put yourself in the shoes of an entrepreneur, register now for the best weekend of your life!

For more information follow this link

10 – 11 October 2012

1st SEPVE Members Forum 2012 - A two-day meeting of the Members of the Business Association of Northern Greece

SEPVE wanting to promote the activities of their members and to interface with them in an effort to develop partnerships is organizing the 1st SEPVE Members Forum 2012, for its members in the multi-purpose hall in Technopolis Thessaloniki.

During the meeting members who participate in it will have the opportunity to promote their business with a 10 minute presentation while they can distribute promotional and informative material of their company and they may have a banner in the entrance area.

Membership is completely free and will be on a first come first serve basis. For any further information or clarification please contact the offices of SEPVE. ( & 2310 365130).

View the invitation in the attached file (in Greek)

October 4th 2012, 18:30

Start-ups & Applied Research

Φάνης Κουτουβέλης (i-kiosk), Αθανάσιος Κώνστας (MAK GAS), Δημήτρης Πετκούσης & Χρήστος Χριστοδουλίδης (Epsilon Net), Σπύρος Αρσένης από το Διαγωνισμό i-bank Καινοτομία & Τεχνολογία

Within the framework of the contest of the National Bank of Greece, “i-bank Innovation & Technology, Open Coffee Thessaloniki in cooperation with the Career Office of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki organizes a special meeting on Thursday, October 4th at 18:30 at the new City Hall (multipurpose events room), in order to enhance the participation of groups and companies from Northern Greece.

More information (in Greek)

28-30 September 2012

Athens Startup Weekend University

The International Hellenic University proudly supports the Athens Startup Weekend University which will take place on the 28th September 2012. You can find more information here.

September 18th 2012

Open Coffee Thessaloniki XXXV

Season premiere with new ideas and project presentations in the group of Open Coffee.

The season begins at the 35th Thessaloniki meeting which will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 18 in the Conference Hall of the New City Hall, Thessaloniki, while the presentations for those who wish are followed by a casual drink in the bar of the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, for more networking and discussion around new ideas and startups.

More information (in Greek)

